Friday 23 March 2012

Eyeball scrawls: Instant flash at National Flash Fiction Day

If you see me barrelling towards you with a mouthful of wordplay while you're out shopping on May 16th, don't worry. It's just National Flash Fiction Day.

My #Flashtag writing group will be tearing around Manchester all day flash mobbing the city with short stories. We'll suddenly appear, read a shaggy tale, then disappear into the shadows / side streets / customer toilets depending on where we are.

If you want clues as to our locations on May 16th, then make sure you're following Flashtagmcr on Twitter at the time.

It will all culminate in Bad Language's slam reading night on May 16th at 3 Minute Theatre. These events are part of a wider series of national events to celebrate the very short story.

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